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NOW! empowers you to deal with the challenges of everyday life transformation. Author Christian Schwarz invites: “Devote eight hours of your time – four for receiving and four for sharing – to develop inner resources that will power up your ministry effectiveness for the rest of your life. You will be enabled to approach any challenge (be it at your job, in your family, at your church, etc.) in such a way that the transforming power of God will be released.”

The three main topics of the book are:

  1. How to be an energy transformer
  2. How to be a multiplier
  3. The secret of ongoing growth

For each of the three pillars of the NOW! process the book gives you the theological, psychological, and strategic backgrounds. And all of that is summarized in only 80 pages.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 4.31 × 7.125 × 0.1875 in

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Desarrollo Natural de la Iglesia en la Practica
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The 3 Colors of Your Spirituality
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The 3 Colors Bundle