Baby Steps (Getting Started)

Wondering where to get started? Here are some “baby steps” to take as you kick off your NCD journey!


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Basic NCD Church Profile

The Basic Church NCD profile is available for purchase here.

If you are interested in electronic version (that is, church members filling out the survey via Smartphones, iPads, etc.), please order here.

Advanced Profiles

If you have done profiles previously, we provide access to the previous profiles and do comparison reports!

Along the Basic NCD Church Profile we recommend to get at least one of the more advanced profiles for you to have a better grasp of what exactly can be improved and how can you go about implementing the NCD process. We will also be able to create a comparison with your previous results or send them to your account if you choose the electronic version.

You can purchase the following reports here:

How to Select Participants

Wondering how to select 30 people to take the survey?

  • Each individual participant must regularly attend the worship service, AND
  • Must have some form of regular task in the church (no matter what it is), AND
  • Must be part of some form of small group in the church (any subgroup of the worshipping community).
  • In addition to fulfilling the above three criteria, the collective survey group should be representative of the church as a whole (i.e. it should include non-leaders as well as leaders, a proportionate number of people from different age groups and genders, etc.)

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