What people are saying about our products and services ...
"Provable, workable, tools for the renewal of congregations"

Bill Willimon, Bishop
North Alabama Conference
"I'm just dropping you a note to say how good it is to see NCD advanced again for the benefit of pastors, churches and leaders. It was so useful to us in our churches and brought in the bright light of wisdom increasing church health.
When we did the survey for the first time were shocked, and enlightened. (One must have a sense of humor, right?) We were able to really see tangible change in our church and other church plants as we addressed the areas of need and celebrated the areas that were healthy.
I will be praying for your workshops and attenders today! May God bless you richly in this season of unprecedented opportunity."

Ron Steslow
"We follow your principles and really the rest of it gets pretty easy!"

Dr. Jack Stephenson, Sr. Pastor
Anona United Methodist Church
“I was first exposed to the principles of Natural Church Development (NCD) when my home church needed the help of an outside consultant in 1998. We were seeing growth that outpaced our capacity and needed help to make sure we were asking the right questions. As part of the team that worked with the consulting group during their visit, I facilitated our first NCD survey and began learning the language of healthy as it relates to the church.
Little did I know then, but the Lord was starting me on a path that eventually moved me out of a middle management career in an industrial world and into a role as a coach and consultant to churches of all shapes, sizes and persuasions. And the entire trip centered around the NCD principles of understanding what healthy looks like and identifying what stands in the way of churches seeing greater Kingdom fruit. Beginning in 2001 as volunteer apprentice, the journey took me first to consulting part time while maintaining my career, and eventually moved me to a coaching and consulting role full time for my home denomination since 2009.
NCD literally changed the course of my personal calling and vocation. But even more important is the positive impact I’ve witnessed in dozens and dozens of churches who have learned from their NCD journeys and done something positive about what has kept them from being healthy. NCD gives us the language to paint the pictures of what COULD be and SHOULD be. Moving toward ‘healthy’ will change the course of your ministry, for good!”

Gary Diehl
NCD Coach & Consultant since 2002
"Healthy, life giving, prevailing and multiplying churches"

Dale Erbele, District Superintendent
North & South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa
“Helping a church discover the best way to improve health is deeply satisfying. Upon using this scientific NCD process with these churches, I have more confidence a way forward will be discerned.
Joy for me is watching these people identify and own what they need to change and/or improve. Watching their excitement as together they come up with solutions and start a process for improved health and growth fills me with hope for them. Because we return to these churches on a consistent basis, my ongoing interactions with many of these people add much to my life.”

Delores Horn
NCD Coach
"They have gone from dead dry churches to passionate outside their four walls…excited churches!"

Peter Swanson, Director of Development
LoveServes International