Segment 4 – The Destination DVD Video Series


Segment 4 of The Journey - focuses on the heart/mind connection, relationships, and developing your spiritual nature. Rather than being at the end of the road, it is just the beginning of discovering the beauty that you joined The Journey to experience


It is only as you have arrived at an understanding of yourself by examining the impact that your history has had on your life as a whole, that you begin to enjoy the benefits that come by unloading your baggage and reaching The Destination. Your view has changed, you begin to notice new and exciting things around you, relationships gradually switch to being enjoyable and fulfilling and a sense of peaceful relaxation warms you with hope and love.

In The Destination, you look at:

  • Emotional maturity and where you are on its continuum,
  • Growth and relationships – the importance of maturity to your relationships
  • The gifted brain identifying yours
  • What was in the past and what it became in you,
  • The heart and its ability to connect,
  • How and why to leave fear behind,
  • An overview of a previous graphic The Y Factor
  • How to put together the new you

Pre-requisite for The Destination: We strongly recommend you complete at least two of the other three segments of The Journey before doing this one. If you have not taken the previous three segments of The Journey, we would encourage you to make the reservation that will guarantee your place on the trip of a lifetime, and as you arrive at The Destination, you can anticipate an exciting vacation for the rest of your life.

The Destination Video Series is presented in ten 30-minute lessons on 10 DVDs which deepen the understanding of the material in the accompanying Destination Workbook (purchase here). Each 30-minute video is the precursor to the lessons. The Destination can be completed in small groups, individually or between couples. However, Life Renewal believes that the greatest benefits in growth and change come during gender-specific small group (4 to 8 persons) experiences. We encourage you to take the step of joining a small group.

What others are saying about The Destination:

I would definitely recommend “The Destination” to anyone who has been through at least 2 segments of “The Journey. Some of the parts about understanding where your brain functioned best was very useful to several people in the group. One young woman had done only one segment and still benefited. The men’s group could never seem to quit talking…

The Destination has been awesome. Our group has found it to be the deepest part of “The Journey set. I have seen some very significant spiritual growth and relational growth! We actually took two weeks on several lessons because there was so much to digest.

Thinking with the heart is God’s way of communicating in His kingdom. Putting the heart first as the primary and the mind (Brain) as the secondary was an exciting change in my life. This has allowed me to become what God wants me to become, which is complete fulfillment in my life. Connecting with God and having the ability to have a relationship with Him, receiving God’s love so I can give love to others, learning to trust God in all things…

The heart-mind connection has been a revelation to me. Also, the connection to the body; illness tied to the state of the heart. The concept I most enjoyed is that God created us with a heart programmed to connect with Him.


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